Tuesday, July 28, 2020

DFI Day - Workflow

Today was another day of full-on learning. 

We started the day with a quick preview of last week before we joined Dorothy for a deeper understanding of the Manaiakalani pedagogy of learn.

We explored Google Meet and had a further 'play' with this and recorded ourselves discussing a students' blog posts. We had a few problems with this and discovered sometimes when it doesn't work to try and try again and sometimes there isn't a reason why technology doesn't work! Eventually, we got there! A copy of the recording is below. 

We attended to a few different things which will make life easier:-
- Google Keep - a way of taking notes and keeping them in one place.
- G Mail - looking at ways of keeping emails under control.
- Calendar - how to manage multiple calendars.
- Taming Our Tabs - this is a biggie for me. I usually have heaps open and really need to use Toby so my computer isn't working as hard.

Lots of content today and time to 'play' which was great. I find the best way to learn is to give it a go myself rather than watch an expert - they make it look so easy! The tools I discovered today will help make life a little bit easier. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

DFI Day One - Core Business

It was great to be at the first session of DFI today. The day started with a presentation by Dorothy Burt about the history and pedagogy of Manaiakalani. It was really interesting to see how far technology has come in a relatively short time. 

The day passed in a blur with a mixture of listening, talking, and creating. There was a lot of information to take in and think about. Some of the information or 'tricks' seemed so simple but game-changers. 

Google Groups
This was an eye-opener in how simple it can be to set up a group and keep all the emails etc filed in one place. Also, there is no need for BCC because all contacts are hidden.

Google Drive
We looked at how to keep our files tidy and tidied up our drives. It's a bit like housework - better to keep on top of it!

Google Docs
Dorothy showed us how to be creative and make a poster on a doc. I discovered a really good website that takes the background out of a photo and we had a play with this - removebg

What I'm taking from today...
I did feel guilty when voice typing was discussed and Dorothy made the remark that some teachers try it for 5 minutes and give up...I'm one of those. This week I will work again with the student I tried using voice typing with a couple of times before I gave up. Another way to recycle is to use disposable coffee cups with the bottoms removed to help students talk directly into their device - it lessens the chance of the device picking up surrounding noise. 

When I learned to touch type in the 3rd form I was taught to underline heaps...now I know not to ever underline - students will think it's a link. 

So much to take away from day one!

DFI - Day 9 The Final Chapter

 So it all comes to an end. Today was the day of the three-hour exam and I can't say I enjoyed any of it. It was a lot harder than I exp...