Our day started with sharing what we have used from our last session. Moving on we had a Google Meet with Dorothy about being 'connected.' This was so relevant given how 2020 is panning out.
"Most of us are at our best when we are connected with other people" - Dorothy Burt. What true words! I have always been a 'people person' but never realised how much until lockdown earlier in the year.
Moving on we looked at the importance of Blogger to help our students connect in a safe place with support.
Following on we then worked with different buddies looking at their sites to give and receive feedback. It was great to connect with different teachers and look at their sites - I took away some great ideas and need to go back and look at their sites again for ideas.
It was great to have time to discuss our own work and look at others. I came away with so many ideas and am looking forward to implementing them. The most exciting part of the day was learning how to add my voice recording to a google slide - a rather long process but I'll get quicker at it the more I do it.
All in all another great day of learning, sharing and time to 'play.'